Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting Ready

It is a little hard to focus right now. Melanie is getting married in ten days, and the last thing I want to think (or write) about is cancer so I am not. Instead, I am rushing around getting cribs set up and rooms cleaned for Farracy, Jackson and Cooper's arrival later this afternoon. They are coming early to help us get ready. Melanie and Ben fly in on Saturday and then we'll have a week to attend to the final details.
In the meantime we have one person in the family who is totally prepared for the wedding party after the service and I thought I would just share his preparation. This is Jackson--ring bearer extraordinaire--wearing his wedding outfit. If you look carefully on his belt loop, you will see a carabiner which will carry the wedding rings down the aisle. (For those worried mom's, it is a locking carabiner.)

I will be back writing in a couple of weeks, but until then I wish you dancing days ahead.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for all of you -- Melanie in particular -- and it makes me smile to hear about your final preparations for Melanie's big day! Love and best wishes to all of you, especially my old friend, the bride!
